Really awesome contrast! I love how graceful they look, super cool designs :D
Really awesome contrast! I love how graceful they look, super cool designs :D
Thank you very much ^-^ I'm always a little nervous to post my own original designs. Really glad this one turned out alright :D
Really cool use of symbolism here, definetely portrays a feeling of good vs evil, I feel like you'd see this kinda thing in a renaissance painting hehe
Thank you so much! ^-^
That's actually a neat idea! o.o To do a sort of reimagining of a renaissance work with Isaac characters and motifs! Certainly something I will need to consider for a future work! :D
Nice! I like everything about this, especially (you guessed it) the clothing and expressiveness hehe
I hope there doesn't come a day where the clothing turns out horrible, now that the standard has been set XD
Thank you again so much! Really glad you like it, this was a really fun piece to do. This is such a classic series to so many of us, so I wanted to pay it proper homage ^-^
When I first saw the thumbnail I was pretty sure this was a 3D model! I like how you've coloured the lineart for his hands and head, completes the shiny watery kinda look :D
Thank you ^-^ I can't do 3D art at all, haha. It was tricky getting his outlines correct, which was why my first attempt at drawing him turned out so bad XD I am glad he turned out alright! ^-^
You're right, they do have fun designs - and you've captured them perfectly! I've always found characters mid-air pretty hard to draw, but you're great at it :D
Thank you so much! ^-^ I think I have a few OCs that have that ability to float or fly, so had to learn how to get the floating poses alright XD
The fantastic lighting was the first thing I noticed! So cool :D good work!
Thank you so much! ^-^ Was a tricky one but a lot of fun!
Nice! In the comics their personalities are portrayed really well through shapes, proportions and postures - and you've done that super well too! Great work :D
Definitely ^-^ It's what made the comics so unique and fun :D A great art style and wonderful stories heh. Really glad I was able to capture them, thank you for the comment!
Love how you draw this bunch every time! Also, you always do super well drawing complex poses in such close proximity, I'd implode trying to get my head round where all their arms are and everything lol
I got a lot of practice when drafting comics - it always became a challenge trying not to draw characters just standing there with arms at their sides because it looked unnatural XD
There are still group poses I struggle with, though. As you said, keeping track of everyone's arms and such can be a bit of a nightmare heh. Thank you again for the comment ^-^ Really glad you like the piece!
Never hears of Don't Starve, but it looks pretty interesting from this! Really nice glow from the rose, and great perspective too
I describe it as Tim Burton meets Minecraft or Stardew Valley XD It's a lot of fun! Great characters, awesome monsters. It is one of those games I have happily wasted several long hours on when I needed a break from work :D I love making fancy bases and exploring the maps and mobs ^-^ Highly recommend heh!
Nice! Cool facial expressions and as always, hair and clothing :)
Thank you so much! ^-^ It's always fun drawing this crew heh
Mostly into Madness Combat right now. I make traditional and digital drawings.
Embarrassing username, I know... For this reason, instead of my full username, you'll see a downwards arrow or "DB4M" with a downwards arrow as a watermark on my art.
London, England
Joined on 5/30/23