
515 Art Reviews

112 w/ Responses

:O I love this!! Really creepy vibes (especially with the facial expression) and I always love to see some blood splattered around hehe

StitchMiss responds:

Thank you very much ^-^
I wanted to try and play around with perspective a bit in this shot. Turned out alright, but I want to try and push them a bit more in future works.
And blood splatter XD Always need more practice with blood splatter, especially if I do horror art haha

Wonderful, just love getting my head smacked into the ground

I, too really love seemingly sweet stuff actually having creepy secrets involved! Love the detail of woodzy (I had to do research to find out the names ok) in the background heheh

StitchMiss responds:

Thank you for the additional research XD It's a fun and creepy series that has a weird nostalgia similar to those old games that the internet used to host. Really cool stuff ^o^
I'd love to try and make an analog horror some day XD

:O this is so cool! Especially love the use of lighting and shadow, also I wish I could draw clothing that well ;-;

StitchMiss responds:

Thank you so much! ^-^
I struggled a lot with fabrics (and still do a bit, depending on the pose and style of clothing).
What helped a bit was watching a few speedpaints on YouTube - seeing how artists approached fabric work, and the techniques they used with shading o.o Made a world of difference to see where I was going wrong

Cute! I'm gonna be featuring one of these guys in a Halloween drawing

Whoaa, this is awesome!! Really love the creepy analog horror kinda vibes, especially from the distorted mugshot, censored side profile and red googles in the dark. Good work :D

PaNart responds:

THX ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

Awesome!! Looking so forward to the spooky festivities :D love how you portray each of their individual personalities :)

StitchMiss responds:

Thank you! ^o^
I absolutely love the horror theme, so I have loads to post and plot for the season hehe XD
Would love to see what ideas you have for the season as well! :D
I always loved the dynamic of each family member ^-^ Close as close can be heh

Epic work, I've always loved how expressive you make madcom characters :)

:O THESE R SO CUUUTEEEE ahhh I love it when the S.Q. is made sparkly and bloody at the same timeeee

Awesome!! Love how you're capable of making so many different styles fit together :)

StitchMiss responds:

Thank you! ^-^ They are all so unique and so much fun to play around with. I hope I did them justice, they are all awesome!

Mostly into Madness Combat right now. I make traditional and digital drawings.
Embarrassing username, I know... For this reason, instead of my full username, you'll see a downwards arrow or "DB4M" with a downwards arrow as a watermark on my art.


London, England

Joined on 5/30/23

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