Practically squealing, OHMYGOSHITSSOCOOL AAAAHHH- There's so much going on and I LOVE it, especially all the gore :)
Practically squealing, OHMYGOSHITSSOCOOL AAAAHHH- There's so much going on and I LOVE it, especially all the gore :)
Oh my goshh, ahhh everything about this is so good! Love the concept and all the details - the table items, the posters... So perfect :D
Thank you so much! ^o^ I tried to squeeze in a bunch of references here and there, while also trying to showcase each personality as best I could ^-^
Really chuffed with how this one turned out heh
:O I love the grand stewardddd, crazy good art too - happy madness day :)
:O nooo the lil baby
Omg this is SO GOOD :D
This is damn awesome!! Happy madness day to ya :)
Love the difference in personality, and also colour! In terms of future art, I've quite liked trying lore-based stuff like landscapes involving the Nowhere, the Other Place, the original marshmallow madness episode, the maker and machine etc
One overly cheery Doc and one incredibly grumpy Doc XD They make for an interesting pair haha
I like the concept of doing more landscape stuffies o.o Perhaps of the Other Place, given it does feature in the FanFic Series I have going
Plus Marshmallow Madness could offer some fun haha XD
Shall definitely add it to my list of ideas! Thank you :D
Awesome!! Love the addition of the zed army hehehe
It was fun drawing them heh ^-^ Will definitely do another piece with them in the future!
I was so excited when I saw the title, Fragmentation, as that part of Nevada and the way S-3LFs work is something I like to daydream and make headcanons about :D Cool work! Also love the illustrations
Thank you so much! ^o^
It's been a lot of fun playing around with the different names for each story. I hope to have the next part up towards the end of the year, and I hope people enjoy the series. Got a lot of twists and turns planned for it heh!
Love the original colors :D
Mostly into Madness Combat right now. I make traditional and digital drawings.
Embarrassing username, I know... For this reason, instead of my full username, you'll see a downwards arrow or "DB4M" with a downwards arrow as a watermark on my art.
London, England
Joined on 5/30/23